
Forgot your password?

We feel you. It happens to the best of us!

  1. On the Self Serve login page, select Forgot? beside the password field.
  2. Enter the email that’s registered with your Koodo account.
  3. Enter your last name.
  4. Select Submit.
  5. You should receive a "reset password" link in your email within 15 minutes.
  6. Once you receive the email, select the link and create your new password.

Just so you know

It sometimes take 24 hours for a password reset email to appear in your inbox. If you haven’t received it, try retrieving your password again using the above steps. Check your spam folder to make sure emails from aren’t being blocked. Still no email? Contact us and a rep will help you out. If you received a server error, copy and paste the link in a new browser window, and try again.

Changing your password

Here's how you change your password in Self Serve.

  1. Log in to your Self Serve account.
  2. Click the Self Serve menu at the top, then from the dropdown select My profile.
  3. Next to Password, select Change, then submit the required information to create a new password using the guidelines provided.
  4. Select Save.
  5. You’re all done! You can now use your Koodo account with your new password.

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