Problems logging in?
Note: While we don’t have a Koodo app, our site is mobile-friendly!
If you’re having trouble logging in, there’s probably a simple solution. Let us help!
Note: While we don’t have a Koodo app, our site is mobile-friendly!
If you’re having trouble logging in, there’s probably a simple solution. Let us help!
1. I’m being told my username or password is invalid.
Did you recently reconfirm some information on your account? If so, use the email address and password you set up to...
Forgot your Self Serve email?
Forgot what email you used to sign up for your Self Serve account? Don’t worry – we’ve got you! Here’s how to log back in....
Forgot what email you used to sign up for your Self Serve account? Don’t worry – we’ve got you! Here’s how to log back in.
Log in to your Self Serve account.
Above the email field, select Forgot?
Enter your first and last name. The names must match what was originally used to create the account.
Changing your Self Serve email
Need to change the email you use to log in to Self Serve? Here's how to do it.
Log in to your Self Serve account.
From the...
Need to change the email you use to log in to Self Serve? Here's how to do it.
Log in to your Self Serve account.
From the Self Serve dropdown menu, choose My profile.
On the My profile page, under the Security section and beside your email address, select Change.
Enter your new email address.
Select Change email address.
You’re done!...
Email Unavailable on Self Serve
If you already have a username and password, visit, and try logging in with that information. You'll be asked to confirm some account information,...
If you already have a username and password, visit, and try logging in with that information. You'll be asked to confirm some account information, and will need to validate your email address by clicking on the link we'll email you. From then on, you should use your email address and password to log in...