
Problems logging in?

Note: While we don’t have a Koodo app, our site is mobile-friendly!

If you’re having trouble logging in, there’s probably a simple solution. Let us help!


1. I’m being told my username or password is invalid.

Did you recently reconfirm some information on your account? If so, use the email address and password you set up to log into Self Serve. Your username will no longer work.

2. I’m trying to log into Self Serve and it says “we’ve found no match for the information you entered.”

You probably haven’t yet registered for Self Serve. Ask Koodo Assist how you can set up your Self Serve account, and our digital rep will help you instantly!

3. I've just registered for a new account, but I can't view my information on Self Serve.

If there’s already an account owner for your account, they have to approve you as a user before you can access Self Serve (usually the person who pays the bill). Have them to log in to Self Serve, go to My Profile, and then Role Management to add you as a user on the account.

If you've already registered for Self Serve, it's possible you already have an account owner profile. Registering a second time will create a new Self Serve account for you, but as an account manager. In this case, you'll want to log in to Self Serve with your old account owner username and password. If you can't remember your old password, use the Forgot password link to reset your password and then log in to your account. After you confirm a few details, the next time you log in to your account, use your email address instead of your username.

If you’re still having issues, ask Koodo Assist for help, or schedule a callback and one of our reps will be happy to help you with this.

4. When I login, I get this message: "You can’t access this account because (a) your service is cancelled or (b) your account access approval is pending."

Either your account/phone number have been deactivated due to cancellation/non-payment or your Self Serve account needs to be approved by the account owner (usually the person who pays your phone bill). Once the account owner approves your request, you can log into Self Serve. Not sure what’s going on? Contact Us to find out what’s up.

5. I get an error message when I enter an email address.

The email address you've entered may be linked to an existing account. Try logging in with your previous Self Serve username. If that still doesn't work, contact us for help.

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